Vídeos de formação
Aprenda a trabalhar com NeuronUP!
Ver mais vídeos de formação em espanhol
Abrir y trabajar con una ficha digital
Abrir y descargar una o varias fichas en papel de NeuronUP
Abrir, personalizar y trabajar con generadores digitales
Abrir, personalizar e imprimir generadores en papel
Abrir, personalizar y trabajar con juegos
Subir de plan durante la prueba gratuita de NeuronUP
Cambiar ciclo de facturación de plan mensual de NeuronUP a plan anual
Reactivar tu suscripción de NeuronUP
Empezar la suscripción de NeuronUP durante el periodo de prueba gratuita
Comprar profesional extra de NeuronUP
Crear un profesional extra durante la prueba gratuita de NeuronUP
Ver mais vídeos de formação em inglês
How to work with NeuronUP
Open and work with a digital worksheet
Open and download one or various printable NeuronUP worksheets
Open, personalize and work with digital generators
Open, personalize and print generators to paper
Open, personalize and work with NeuronUP games
Activity, Session & Program Results
Home sessions
Edit facility/clinic profile in NeuronUP
Creating patients by code instead of name
Edit information of professionals in the facility/clinic
Give administration access to other professionals in the facility/clinic
Add and save a new credit card to the system
Change from monthly billing cycle to annual plan
Upgrade your NeuronUP digital plan
Upgrade the plan of your NeuronUP trial period
Downgrade monthly digital NeuronUP plan